- Country
- I use the term Country rather than nation or state in the sense of a body of people within a territory, recognized as sovereign by other states, to avoid confusion with nation in the sense of a people with a common culture, origin and language, such as the First Nations in the state of Canada. Canada is a country which is not a nation, occupying the land of the Indigenous: First Nations, Inuit and Métis. I avoid “state” to avoid confusion with sub-national states such as in the United States of Mexico or of America.
It could also be confused with “the country” in contrast to “the city and suburbs” but is less likely in context. To further reduce the risk, I will capitalise Country when I use as a synonym for State.
- Eurocentric
- Those Countries and cultures centred on western European ideas, including Australia, New Zealand, Canada. Often called “Western”, though that makes no sense on a globe,
- MADPE loop
- Monitor, Analyse, Design, Plan, Execute: the basic loop in this workbook for producing change. Introduced in What to Expect
- Sociosystem
- My neologism, analogous to an ecosystem and essentially short for a system of complex, adaptive social systems, just as an ecosystem is a system of organisms.
- Sociosphere
- My neologism, analogous to the biosphere, the global sociosystem.